Key West Association of Realtors and City Work Together on Common Goals

Last week the Mayor, City Commission and members of staff met in a public workshop with the Key West Association of Realtors to round table ways that we can work together to improve our permitting process, increase our affordable rental housing stock, address the impacts of climate change in Key West and the FEMA remapping process, protect our tree canopy and beautify our island for locals, guests and potential residents.

The group received progress updates from Scott Fraser our FEMA coordinator, FIRM members Joe Moody and Theresa Faber, Karen DeMaria our Urban Forrester and Terrence Justice, Chief Building Official for the City of Key West.

“After two hours, we identified a number of areas where we can work collaboratively to make Key West the most desirable community to call home,” said Mayor Teri Johnston.

This is the 2nd workshop hosted by the association, city officials and staff who have pledged to hold annual workshops to continue to enhance our open communications.

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