Judge agrees to delay fraud trial of US Rep. Corrine Brown

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — The trial of U.S Rep. Corrine Brown on fraud charges is being delayed.

U.S. Magistrate Judge James Klindt on Friday agreed to delay the trial of both Brown and her chief of staff until October.

Brown and Elias “Ronnie” Simmons have pleaded not guilty to multiple fraud charges and other federal offenses. The charges stem from an investigation into what prosecutors call a phony charity turned into a personal slush fund.

Lawyers for Brown asked for the delay. They said they needed additional time to prepare for the trial and review the evidence that prosecutors are using for the upcoming trial.

Brown has represented a Jacksonville-based congressional district since 1993. She was one of the first three African-Americans elected to Congress from Florida since Reconstruction. Despite the charges Brown is running for re-election.


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