Joe Garcia Challenges Carlos Curbelo to Answer for his Extreme Voting Record in Debates and Forums

Today, former Congressman Joe Garcia challenged Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo to seven debates and forums to talk about the issues that affect South Floridians.

“South Florida families deserve to know why their representative in Washington opposes a minimum wage increase and equal pay for equal work—or why Congressman Curbelo tried to cut nearly $100 billion from college Pell Grants, supports offshore oil drilling and fracking, and voted to take away the healthcare of millions of people,” said Joe Garcia, candidate for Florida’s 26th Congressional District.  “I proudly stand by my record of service to this community and Curbelo will have to stand by his anti-immigrant, anti-environment, anti-women and anti-seniors record as well.”

Joe Garcia has agreed to the following debates and forums:

Upper Keys Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 6

Belen Jesuit Debate with Moderator Tom Llamas, ABC News
Thursday, October 13

Hometown PAC Q&A Candidate Forum
Monday, October 17

Kendall Federation of Homeowners Associations Forum
Thursday, October 20

League of Women Voters and WLRN Debate

Thursday, October 27

America TeVé with Pedro Sevcec

Tuesday, November 1

Mega TV with María Elvira Salazar and Mario Andrés Moreno


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