Jazz Mondays at Little Room

The Hal Howland Trio (Dom Carelli, piano; Gary Rivenson, bass; Hal Howland, drums and percussion) performs every Monday at 8:30 p.m. from now through November at the Little Room Jazz Club & Wine Bar, 821 Duval St., Key West, 305-741-7515. This exciting, colorful, creative jazz (not polite cocktail music) is a most welcome addition to the Keys’ music scene, and in this case the threadbare term world-class is justified. In addition to hip jazz classics, the trio performs several Hal Howland compositions from his recordings Reiko and 10 Years in 5 Days. Howland’s books and CDs are available at the club for only $10 apiece (they cost more online). The group will switch to Thursday nights beginning in December. Come out and enjoy great music and fine wines, beers, and liqueurs in the Little Room’s warm, inviting ambiance. Please support America’s best music: jazz!
Hal Howland
2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd., 209A
Key West, FL 33040-5115
United States
Telephone: 305-304-1444
Amazon.com author page: www.amazon.com/author/hal_howland
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