It’s time to “Celebrate Shirley”!

The Florida Keys Democrats are hosting an event to do just that. Shirley Freeman arrived in Key West over 47 years ago 

and has been serving the citizens of Monroe County ever since. You’re invited to join the party – on Thursday, October 18, from 5:30- 7:00 PM, at the home of Helen Walker 

and Leo Waters, 411 Louisa Street. Admission is $150/person and includes an open bar and light dinner.


Dave Boodle will be adding his musical talents to the evening too!


 After working in school administration for 20 years, Shirley served as a Monroe County Commissioner for five years and as Mayor of Monroe County for three years. Since 

retiring from the Commission in 2000, Shirley has been a community activist, helping protect Key West’s environmental and architectural heritage, and is a Founding Member of the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys and the Florida Keys Council of the 

Arts. For information about the event or to make your reservation email 

[email protected] or go to

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