Infant and Child CPR and Choking Prevention Class Offered

Lower Keys – The Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition invites all parents and caregivers to attend an Infant/Child CPR and Choking Prevention class. You will learn invaluable life-saving skills. The class will be held on Friday, January 13, 2017, at the Gato Building (1100 Simonton St) from 9-11 am.

There is a $25 registration fee payable by cash or check on the day of the class or participants may pay by credit card in advance at The class is for adults only.  No child care will be provided. Space is limited and prior registration is required by calling (305) 293-8424 at least 2 days in advance. The class will be cancelled in the event of low pre-registration.

In addition to instruction on infant/child CPR and choking assistance, the class will briefly cover shaken baby prevention, poison control and home safety. Attendees will receive a Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Ready Reference to take home.  To keep the cost affordable, participants will NOT receive Red Cross certification, however, the class is taught by a certified Instructor and will cover the same information.

“We are committed to making sure that babies in the Keys are born healthy and have a safe future,” said Arianna Nesbitt, Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition CEO. “Hosting this CPR class is just one more way we can assist parents in ensuring their child’s safety. Considering nearly 90% of cardiac incidents occur at home, attending this class will give parents the skills that may save their child or loved one’s life in an emergency situation.”

The Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition helps families before, during and after pregnancy. For more information on the upcoming classes or any of our other free programs, please contact 305-293-8424 or [email protected]. We believe every baby deserves a healthy start, as well as a safe future.

If you need accommodations to participate, call Rebecca at 305-293-8424 or email [email protected] at least 5 days in advance of the class to make your request.

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