House Announces Committee and Subcommittee Assignments and Chairs
Tallahassee – Today, the House announced the 2016 – 2018 committee and subcommittee assignments and chairs. The process for selection as a chair – in line with Speaker Corcoran’s initiative to decentralize authority and seek input from all 120 members of the House – consisted of Member consultations, Member preferences, committee chair interviews, leadership team meetings, and input from the Minority Leader. Upon announcing the assignments and chairs, Speaker Corcoran said,
“I am excited about the team of committee and subcommittee chairs announced today. I am also proud of the way the new process was handled by all involved – applicants and chairs alike. Those chairs announced today, as well as all those who applied, can know that there were far more qualified Members than there were chairmanships available. All who participated have my respect and will be called upon to use their talents and knowledge to transform the way government works for the people of Florida.”
The Speaker went on to say, “For years, many of us engaged in this fight have advocated for reform. From requiring every Member project to be voted on individually, to changing the way the Speaker is elected, to curbing the power of lobbyists and special interests and more, we will continue to do what we said we would do. We’ve changed the Rules of the House to increase accountability and transparency and we’ve changed the way committee and subcommittee chairmanships are chosen to decentralize authority. These reforms, and those to come, clearly demonstrate our commitment to changing the way business is done in Tallahassee. They should also reassure the people of Florida that when the House makes a promise, it is kept.”
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