Homecoming Helps Students Feel at Home



Entering high school can be a frightening experience for any freshman, and trying to feel welcome at a new school is tough, but often a universal experience. However, a great time to ease this transition is during homecoming week because students can have a special role in the festivities.

As a new student to Key West High School, freshman Sadie Dodds has immersed herself into many different clubs including the Class of 2022’s Executive Board. “Being a member of Executive Board let me be a part of my school community [and] has kept me up to date with what is going on in the school,” says Dodds. “In the upcoming weeks, I am excited to participate in the homecoming skits and floats.”

A long-standing tradition at the high school is for each grade’s Executive Boards to perform a skit during the homecoming game. Each class has to write a script, create costumes, build props, and ride in the parade.

It really is a special experience for students new to homecoming. “Performing a skit in front of hundreds of people in the bleachers will definitely be intimidating, [but] will bring our class together as a whole,” says Dodds. The effort that the students put into their performances lets them experience true school spirit.

Luckily, all the teamwork and practice that goes into the skits aim toward a goal. Dodds explains that the skits are all judged, “and whichever is the best, gets to win.” Essentially, a little friendly competition goes a long way.

After all the hard work is over, and the show is finally done, students involved will have connected with their school. “Without these inclusive events, I would definitely feel more displaced and out of touch,” notes Dodds. “[I am] really happy that freshmen get to be included with homecoming. It makes me feel like a real high school student.”

The long tradition of homecoming floats and skits is essential at Key West High School. Not only does it welcome the new students to the school, but it also sparks school spirit into the hundreds who participate.

Classes will perform their skits at the homecoming game at Tommy Roberts Memorial Stadium on Friday, November 2. The game begins at 7 p.m., and there will also be a homecoming parade starting at the high school and ending at the stadium on October 29 at 6 p.m. People wishing to donate to any of the Executive Boards to help them have funds for events like these may do so by contacting the school at 305-293-1549.    


Freshman student Sadie Dodds supports her school spirit by wearing her class colors on October 18 at Key West High School.

Photo by Vivian Carper.

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