Hedden to speak on Bird Photography

The Florida Keys Audubon Society will continue its speaker series on Wednesday, February 1 with Mark Hedden giving a talk “What Photography Has Taught Me About Birds.”
Hedden is a Key West-based writer, photographer and birding guide. He is also executive director of the FKAS.
“Modern digital cameras are amazing things. They give you the ability to stop time and slice it into smaller and smaller pieces. Which allows anyone with the right camera to really examine and learn about a bird and it’s behavior from from dozens of different angles,” said Hedden.
Hedden has birded all over the United States, as well as in Cuba, Trinidad & Tobago, Spain, England, France, Peru, Colombia, and Guyana.
“Take a bird like the Green Heron. You see them all the time in Key West and the Keys. But it wasn’t until I started taking pictures of them that I realized how weird and dramatic their feeding habits are,” said Hedden.
The talk will begin at 6:30 p.m. and take place at the Key West Garden Club at 1100 Atlantic Boulevard.
Admissions is free and open to anyone who is interested.
For more information email [email protected], visit www.keysaudubon.org, or call 305-771-5807.
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