Habitat for Humanity Appoints New Program Services Coordinator

Key West, FL – Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys announced that Susan Kent has joined the organization as the program services coordinator. Susan has lived in the keys for 25 years and has an extensive background in both for-profit and non-profit businesses.

Susan joins Habitat for Humanity as the organization prepares to begin work on a new development of 10 homes on Big Coppitt Key. Kent comments “I’m excited to start a new challenge and to be working with a team of dedicated people who are working to create a positive impact in our community. Affordable housing is one of the most critical issues in the Florida Keys.”

Executive Director, Mark Moss said “I’m confident that Susan’s wealth of experience and knowledge will make her a valuable member of our team, and I view her appointment as an expression of our commitment to providing solutions to the problem of creating affordable housing in our community.”

About Habitat:  Key West and Lower Keys Habitat for Humanity believes that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. Habitat for Humanity builds and repairs houses using volunteer labor and donations. Our partner families purchase homes through no-profit, no-interest mortgage loans or innovative financing methods. There are several ways to donate to Habitat, including donations to the ReStore and CocoNut Closet on Big Pine Key, individual donations, and house sponsorship and corporate donations. For more information, contact the office at (305) 294-9006 or visit the website at habitatlowerkeys.org.

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