Gotham’s 25th Anniversary!

Last night we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Gotham’s very first meeting.

Imagine, our inception was in the previous century!

So much good has occurred over those many years.  So much business has been generated.  So many lifetime friendships inspired.  So many have lived our “It’s better to give than receive, but what goes around comes around” mantra!

Words can not describe how proud I am to be the Co Founder.

As my Co Founder Nancy Schess often says “It’s all good!”

Last night many early members shared their fond memories and we honored our Hall of Fame (Networkers of the Year) members and other Award winners, plus our Season of Giving recipients.

A new category of appreciation/recognition was announced.  We called out the Pillars of Gotham who are responsible for maintaining our mutual endeavor.

Of course, there was a Cayce Crown Memory Lane video to close out our celebration and set us up for our next 25 years.

Special thanks to Events Chair Norman Spizz for producing another “really good show”!

Here’s hoping you join me at the 50th 🙂

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