Gardens hotel- Sun. May 13th @5:30 pm. Phil Sampson, Mark Rose, skippo & vocalist, Cliff Sawyer

On  Sunday May 13th , from 5:30pm, at the Gardens Hotel Jazz Happy Hour, The Small Mystery Band performs, with longtime musical director of Little Palm Island, Phil Sampson, on keyboards, along with the virtuoso flute & sax sounds of Mark Rose, & the inspired percussives of skippo.  ‘Beauty & passion’ will be the watchword in a program of colorful, more unusual jazz & Brazilian standards. Additionally, our guest vocalist will be the Key West legend, Cliff Sawyer. Gonna be a very sweet reunion!!  So, delight your senses on Sunday the 13th, at this ultimate Key West back porch/garden venue, like no other.  For more info,  call  Gardens Hotel  at 294-2661.

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