Gardens Hotel Jazz Happy Hour- the CRZBs, Sunday May 29th, @5:30pm

The CRZBs will be the featured band at the Gardens Hotel May 29th from 5:30pm. The Jazz Happy Hours at the Gardens will  be the perfect setting to reveal their softer, classic  jazz  repertoire, featuring  many  timeless standards, in addition to a taste of their penchant for progressive pop, funk, fusion, and latin jazz. The Crizzbeez are unique in Key West, for both their Pat Metheney-inspired, modern guitar jazz, and a Steely Dan- type, sophisticated pop sound.  Fronting the group, and featuring many of his original compositions, is Chris Burchard, on guitar. Rob DiStaci sings and plays keyboards, skippo is rhythm driving on  drums , &  Bubba Lownotes on  the  bass.  So, join us this Sunday, for a memorable  afternoon of classic jazz standards, soul, brazilian, and funk-fusion, with the ‘Crizzbees”, at Kate Miano’s  wondrous Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela st. (at corner of  Simonton. Call 294-2661 for additional details).

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