Garden Club member hosting event on Monday 8th January

Garden Club member, Colin Cabot is hosting the showing of “the Gardener”, a new movie about his father’s fabulous creation – the “Quatre Temps” gardens in Canada.
The event will be a Fund Raiser for the Garden Club to help  pay for the restoration of the gardens post IRMA.
The Studios of Key West have kindly agreed to host the event free of charge, in their large theater on the second floor of 533 Eaton street on Monday 8th January at 4:30 pm.
The movie is a feast for the senses – anyone with any interest in plants, gardening and creativity should not miss this spectacular film, which has been selected by all the major Film Festivals worldwide.
Please click on the link below to see the preview:
Mark the date on your calendars now; Bring a friend or better still 3 friends, your whole neighborhood!
This will be a very special evening which should inspire all of us to create something of beauty for the soul.
If you have ANY questions at all do not hesitate to contact Rosi Ware (917) 365-6823 [email protected]
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