Fringe Theater announces the return of its smash hit show Conch Republic, the Musical! This historical (and hysterical) retelling of the (mostly) true story of how the Conch Republic was born will run April 19-28 at The Studios of Key West.

Already seen the show?  No worries! No two productions have ever been alike. And this year there’s plenty of (old) talent and (new) fun to keep your foot tapping and the flags waving.   

“This year’s cast includes actors from every incarnation of the musical,” explains the show’s director and Fringe Artistic Director, Rebecca Tomlinson. “Since they’ve already done the show before, we get to explore fun new ways of telling the tale.”

Looking for a hint to just what that means?  “I think this production will take Black Box Theater to a whole new level,” Rebecca laughs.

The musical, written by Monnie King and Gayla Morgan, tells the (mostly) true story of those tense time in 1982 when a roadblock, established by the United States government, choked off tourism to our tiny island. When the leaders of the day had exhausted all of the accepted options for removing the roadblock, they created what was (perhaps) the biggest PR stunt in history:  Key West seceded from the nation!

Five amazing actors take-on the challenge of collectively performing the 21 roles required to tell the story.  The cast includes David Black, Rhett Kalman, Billy Cartledge, Bernadette Restivo, and Mathias Maloff. New to the show is musical director and show pianist Megan Constantine.  Keeping the trains (and actors) on time are backstage crew Cynthia Kemeny and Arthur Crocker.

Sloppy Joe’s Bar is the proud sponsor of Conch Republic, the Musical!

Whether you’re a local, a snowbird, or a visitor to Key West, you don’t want to miss Conch Republic, the Musical!  The show runs April 19-21 and 24-28 at 7pm at The Studios of Key West, which is located at 533 Eaton Street. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased in advance by calling 305-731-0581 or going to  

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