Fringe Theater – Free Play Reading

Fringe Theater invites the public to attend a free play reading on Wednesday, May 11, at the Parish Hall of St Paul’s Episcopal Church.  This reading will feature the original short plays from the play writing workshop of Toby Armour, Fringe’s resident playwright.

The workshop participants included first-time playwrights and experienced writers who chose a house in Key West that would inspire them to create a ten-minute play.  The featured writers are Faye Bice, Sharon Brophy, ‘Skip’ Drezner, Karen Leonard, Dick Moody, Bill Porter, Neal Ruchman, Sanborne Whitney, and Malcolm Willison.

Readers for the evening are Annie Miners, Bob Bowersox, Alicia Merrill, Jeremy Hyatt, Kitty Clements, MaryCarlin Porter, Melissa Hyatt, Melody Moore, Paula Cabot, Wayne Dapser, and Wayne Keller.

Toby Armour is a national award-winning playwright and Jerome Fellow, many of whose plays are based on oral history and stories of community.  For more information, go to or email [email protected].

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