Fringe Theater announces its open Audition for the 2017-18 season. This casual and low-key process is scheduled for Saturday, Nov 4, at 3pm in the Parish Hall at St Paul’s Episcopal Church. (Sorry, but there’s no parking at the church.)

Actors should prepare a 2-minute(ish) monologue (memorized or read).  Sample monologues are available on the Fringe website. Copies of monologues will also be available at the audition. “This round of auditions should be an easy no stress process,” promises Tomlinson. “It doesn’t matter if folks have lots of stage experience or none at all, everyone is welcome.”

Actors will be auditioning for It’s a Wonderful Life radio play, The Regina Monologues, The Gin Game, Conch Republic Re-Visited, and the Shakespeare in Schools program. Some shows are play readings meaning no memorization is required for the performance.

To learn more about the season and the roles available, actors should go  If you’re interested in construction, design, stage managing, light/sound board op, or assistant director positions, email Rebecca at[email protected].

The Parish Hall at St Paul’s Church is located near the corner of Eaton and Bahama Street.  If you have any questions, please contact Fringe Theater at 305-731-0581 or email [email protected].

The Crew at Fringe Theater

Fringe Theater Key West


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