Free-Entry Key West Fishing Tournament to Begin Jan. 1, 2019
KEY WEST, Fla. — Anglers of all ages and abilities can target more than 40 species of fish in the Key West Fishing Tournament, a free-entry multidivision challenge that takes place Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 2019.
The tournament features divisions for men, women, junior anglers ages 10 to 15 and Pee Wees under 10 years old — making it ideal for extended families and multigenerational groups who want to share the angling experience.
Participants can fish from a boat, bridge or land. At any time during the eight-month timespan they can enter their catches at an official tournament weigh station or online at . Weigh stations can be found at several locations in the Lower Keys and Key West.
Celebrating the diverse variety of fish found in Florida Keys waters, the tournament provides recognition and trophies to anglers posting the heaviest catch of each of 33 species. Nine different line classes and three artificial casting categories further heighten the competition.
Other awards recognize the most releases of barracuda, blue marlin, bonefish, dolphin, permit, sailfish and tarpon. The Key West Fishing Tournament strongly encourages the release of game fish and will not recognize any killed sailfish, marlin, spearfish or tarpon for award purposes.
All participating anglers receive certificates noting their catches and qualify for a variety of awards.
Event information: or 305-923-5934
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