Fraud Charges Filed Against Local Project Manager 

The Monroe State Attorney’s Office has filed charges against Cary Flamm, accusing him of engaging in a scheme to defraud and committing grand theft in excess of $100,000. These charges follow an extensive investigation conducted by Investigator Roy Bogue of the Monroe County State Attorney’s Office.

On June 30, 2021, Defendant Cary Flamm entered into a contract with homeowners to serve as Project Manager for the demolition and rebuild of their residential structure in Tavernier. The contract stipulated that Flamm would coordinate all contracts and purchases with the homeowners and act as their representative throughout the project.

According to the allegations, Flamm deviated from his role as Project Manager, assuming the responsibilities of a Contractor without the necessary license. He entered into direct contracts with suppliers and subcontractors, neglected to present estimates for approval to the homeowners, and issued self-created invoices. An investigation by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) confirmed that Flamm acted without a contractor’s license, resulting in sanctions.

Throughout the project, Flamm provided the homeowners with progress updates and invoices, which they believed to be accurate. Consequently, they made a number of payments to Flamm. However, upon requesting and reviewing the original invoices, the homeowners discovered that Flamm had significantly inflated the costs and included his 10% management fee on these inflated figures. The total overcharge amounted to $319,517.

Investigator Bogue, a seasoned law enforcement officer with over 40 years of experience, conducted an extensive investigation that supported the homeowners’ allegations of fraudulent billing practices and theft.

In light of these findings, Flamm was charged with “Organized Fraud/Scheme to Defraud in Excess of $100,000.00” and “Grand Theft Over $100,000.00.” If convicted of these first-degree felonies, Flamm faces a potential sentence of up to 30 years in prison for each charge and fines of up to $10,000 per charge.

Flamm turned himself in at the Monroe County Detention Center and was released on a $50,000 bail.

State Attorney Dennis Ward praised Investigator Bogue for his thorough and diligent work on this extensive investigation. “Our office is committed to protecting citizens against unlicensed contractors and those who maliciously defraud unsuspecting homeowners. Investigator Bogue’s exemplary efforts in this case underscore our dedication to justice. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards unlicensed contractors and anyone who seeks to exploit and deceive our residents through fraudulent activities. We will not tolerate these actions and will ensure that those who attempt to prey on our community face the full force of the law. We will pursue justice aggressively and relentlessly for all those affected,” Ward stated.

The Monroe State Attorney’s Office is committed to upholding the law and protecting citizens from fraudulent activities. We encourage anyone with any information regarding this individual to contact our office.

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