Florida Man Sentenced to Prison for Assaulting Law Enforcement and Resisting Arrest

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office has announced that Justin G. Todaro, 43, has been sentenced to 46 months in state prison following his conviction on multiple charges, including Resisting Arrest with Violence, Battery on a Police Officer/Firefighter/EMT, Resisting an Officer without Violence, and Obstruction. Todaro has also been ordered to pay fines and court costs totaling $1,115. The sentencing, presided over by Judge Mark Wilson, comes after Todaro pleaded no contest to the charges and was adjudicated guilty.

The charges stem from an incident on October 7, 2023, in Marathon, Florida. Deputies from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office were conducting a lawful warrant service related to a theft charge against Todaro. Upon arrival at the scene, they found Todaro lying on the ground and attempted to apprehend him. Todaro resisted, tensing his arms and pushing back against the deputies, almost causing one to fall over a roadside guardrail. Despite being informed of the arrest warrant and given multiple commands to stop resisting, Todaro’s actions remained noncompliant, defiant, and combative.

The situation escalated further when Monroe County Fire Rescue personnel arrived to treat lacerations on Todaro’s face and shoulder. While being evaluated, Todaro kicked a deputy’s arm, showing a willful and intentional disregard for the officers and medical personnel assisting him.

State Attorney Dennis Ward commented on the case, saying, “The deputies did a great job managing a tough situation and staying professional throughout. Battery on deputies and rescue personnel is not acceptable, and as you can see, there are significant consequences for such behavior. Their actions show just how important it is to support our law enforcement officers and keep our community safe.”

Chief Assistant State Attorney Joseph Mansfield acknowledged the efforts of all involved, stating, “This outcome is a testament to the determination and professionalism of the deputies and EMS personnel who handled a very challenging situation. Their dedication to their duty and to public safety is commendable, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for their service. This case was successfully prosecuted by lead felony attorney Charles Britt, whose diligent work was crucial in securing this conviction”.

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