MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County is experiencing higher than predicted King tides, running about .75 foot above the original prediction from the National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of .51 feet for Key West.  Other areas of the County may be experiencing even higher differentials.

The County is monitoring areas across the County as we experience these high tides, rain and heavy winds out of the east. We ask residents to also do their part to stay safe and dry.

The heaviest King Tides are expected to occur:

  • October 4-11
  • October 15-22
  • November 2-9
  • December 2-6

What should you do?

  • Water in the street picks-up pollutants from the surrounding environment. If you come into contact with flood water, be sure to rinse off using soap and water. Do not allow children to play in or near flood water and encourage them to wash their hands regularly.
  • Adjust your driving schedule accordingly and do not drive through flooded areas – turn around and find another way if possible. It can be unsafe and cause short and long-term damage to your vehicle. If you drive through tidal floods, wash the undercarriage of your car to remove any salt water accumulation. You can go through a car wash equipped with an undercarriage sprayer.
  • Avoid parking your vehicle in low-lying areas that are prone to flooding in order to prevent salt water damage to your vehicle.
  • Flooding can result in hazards below the surface that you cannot see.  This can cause injury e.g. nails, broken glass, debris and displaced manhole covers.  Due to Hurricane Irma, there is more debris than usual on the streets, increasing the possibility of danger under flooded waters.
  • If you have a storm drain adjacent to your property, you can help out by removing any debris that could block the water from draining properly.
  • If you are a boater, be aware that these high tides cause lower clearances under fixed bridges so check the tides before leaving the dock.
  • I forgot, we can ask them to email photos of tidal flooding to

If you have photos of your property or neighborhood experiencing tidal flooding, please email them to[email protected] with the address and time/date they were taken. This will help in future planning.

Photos by Rhonda Haag, Monroe County Sustainability Director, of tidal flooding in Key Largo.

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