Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center Seeks Volunteers for Reopening

Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center (EDC) has re-imagined its 6,000-square feet of marine exhibits and the curtain is about to rise on the $1 million renovation project. When the EDC reopens along the Truman Waterfront in November, visitors will dive into the reef with immersive digital interactives, audio, and tactile objects, while “Paddling” through the mangroves and learning about creatures that call this unique environment home. The renovation also includes an extensive maritime heritage section focusing on the history of shipwrecks in the Keys.

Local residents can help Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary protect, restore, and inspire others to connect with our unique marine resources by volunteering to serve one, four-hour shift per week. “Before closing for COVID, and then the renovation, we had a vibrant corps of volunteers who inspired locals and visitors alike,” says EDC Director Emily Kovacs. “Just as we have rebuilt the center, it’s time to rebuild that corps of dedicated docents who can give back to their community by volunteering at one of the few, free attractions in Key West.”

Volunteers must be age 16 or older for most positions, and are required to pass a background check including fingerprints.

For more information on volunteering, please visit our volunteer page or email [email protected].

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