Florida Department of Health in Monroe County Celebrates Local School District’s Recognition as a Florida Healthy School District

Monroe County, Fla.—The Florida Department of Health in Monroe County congratulates the Monroe County School District on their Silver level recognition as a Florida Healthy School District. This recognition, developed by the Florida Coordinated School Health Partnership, aims to recognize the hard work and success of school districts related to physical, mental and social health of students and staff.

“We are thrilled to learn that Monroe County School District has been recognized as a Florida Healthy School District, especially for meeting the requirement for Silver Status. The district works diligently to support a positive learning environment to maintain the health and positive experiences for all students. The department would like to thank the collective efforts of the school administrators, school nurses, staff and students for their hard work in achieving this distinguished award,” said TalleyAnne Reeb, School Health Coordinator for the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County.

“I would like to express gratitude for this seamless collaborative effort by the school district and the Florida Department of Health nursing staff, which is supervised by Ms. Reeb” said Mary Turner, Nursing Director for the department.

The Florida Healthy District recognition is based on the successful submission of the Florida Healthy District Self-Assessment and lasts for a period of two years, after which districts will need to reapply for recognition. The Self-Assessment is divided and scored based on the following categories: district infrastructure; physical education; health services; and counseling, psychological and social services.

Since 2009, the Coordinated School Health Partnership, in cooperation with Florida Action for Healthy Kids, Florida Association of School District Superintendents and Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, has recognized 47 districts for establishing a culture and climate that embraces the Coordinated School Health approach to reduce and eliminate barriers to learning and support academic achievement. The Coordinated School Health Partnership is a grassroots, volunteer organization whose mission is to create health literate and health practicing students and staff in all Florida schools. Members represent professional associations, foundations, not-for-profit organizations, businesses, insurers, and health and education groups. The partnership is committed to working together to improve the health of children, adolescents and staff in Florida schools.

For more information and a complete list of recognized healthy districts, visit http://www.healthydistrict.com.

About the Florida Department of Health
The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts.

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