Executive Director Florida Keys SPCA

Sometimes a happy ending begins with a tragedy. Rocko was brought to us after his owner was found deceased. At 12 years of age, this old dog’s world was turned upside down. When he arrived, he looked dazed, lost, and confused. During the early days with us, he would just stand at the door of his kennel and cry. When we would take him outside, he’d desperately drag us to the gate in an effort to go somewhere. We could only assume it was back to his home and the life he’d known. His emotional grief could be seen, heard, and felt by our staff and volunteers. It was heartbreaking to witness. His anxiety was severe enough for the vet to prescribe medication to give him relief.

Eventually he adapted to shelter life and settled in enough to be “ok”. He seemed to find some comfort on his big bed and his walks were less desperate. But we never saw a spark of joy or a glint of happiness in those eyes. He was alive but without a life.

At 106 pounds and 12 years of age, Rock was big and old — a losing combination in the world of dog adoptability. But we were encouraged when his Facebook post got 277 Likes and 303 Shares. Perhaps with all that coverage, Rocko would find a home. But nothing happened. He went to events and met lots of people, but months passed and nothing happened.

Sometimes the world seems cruel and unfair – but all that changed for Rocko when Diana came. She didn’t come to the shelter looking for an animal to make her life better; she came to the shelter looking to make life better for an animal! She wanted to know who needed a home the most. She hadn’t intended on adopting a big dog like Rocko and she had concerns about the safety of her beloved cats, but her heart won out. Together, we came up with a management plan for her cats’ safety during the transition and Rocko’s life turned a very big corner. This time when he walked out the gate, he was heading home.

Today, Diana reports that Rocko is a different dog. He has a spark in his eye, a spring in his step, and a smile on his face! He loves to find sticks to carry around. He likes socializing with the neighbors he meets out walking and then enjoys relaxing in the AC in front of the TV. The family cats are becoming curious rather than cautious, and the new inter-species dynamic is working well. Rocko is home to stay and thanks to Diana’s kindness, he has a new lease on life.

Wouldn’t it be something if all homeless senior dogs (and cats!) could find their own “Diana’s”? Maybe Rocko’s happy ending will be an inspiration to others. That’s our dream, our hope, and what keeps us coming back to work every day.

For more information about any of the services we offer at the FKSPCA, visit our website at, call us at 305-294-4857 or contact me at [email protected].

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