FKCC Calls Poets and Poetry-lovers to 11th Annual Poetry Slam

KEY WEST, FL, April 4, 2018—In celebration of National Poetry Month, Florida Keys Community College invites all poets, poetry aficionados, and fans in the community to its Poetry Slam on Thursday, April 12, from 2:00p.m. to 3:30p.m. in the library on the Key West Campus.  Led by Dr. Emily Weekley’s poetry writing class, the eleventh annual event is themed “Your Mind Can Take You Anywhere.”  The open mic program will feature recitals of classic, contemporary, and self-crafted poems by students, faculty, staff, and community members.  Refreshments will be provided by the FKCC Book Club.

“The class this year is eager to continue with the tradition of hosting the event,” said Weekley.  “To generate excitement, they have ‘vandalized’ campus with poem flags and sidewalk poems.”

Anyone interested in sharing poetry at the event is asked to contact Dr. Weekley at [email protected] to schedule a place in the program.

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