FKAA Joins National Imagine a Day Without Water Campaign to Raise Awareness About the Value of Water

September 14, 2016 – On September 15th The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority joins, drinking water and wastewater providers, community leaders, and businesses participating in Imagine a Day Without Water, an effort to educate the public about the value of water. Planned by the Value of Water Coalition, hundreds of organizations across the country will partake in events aimed at raising awareness about the crucial need for investment to ensure that no community in America is left without water due to the failure of the infrastructure that brings it to and from homes and businesses.

Most people can take for granted that when they turn on the tap, or flush the toilet, our water systems function exactly as designed. In some communities, families and businesses have experienced the unbearable struggle of a day without water. Imagine A Day Without Water tells their stories, as well as the stories of innovative solutions to our nation’s water challenges, so that no one ever has to experience another day without water.

“In the Florida Keys, we joined Imagine a Day Without Water, because safeguarding our water supply is paramount to our mission,” stated Kirk Zuelch, Executive Director of the FKAA. “We are fortunate to have such a high quality water supply in the Biscayne Aquifer, and we must ensure that it is protected from the pressures of overuse, saltwater intrusion and other impairments. Constant monitoring and assessment is critical to protecting our most valuable resource.”

Frequently, public attention focuses on infrastructure we see every day, like roads, bridges, and tunnels. Yet the hidden infrastructure that reliably brings clean water to homes and businesses, and takes it away after it has been used, is actually far vaster than our highway system – National Geographic estimates that the country’s 1.2 million miles of water mains translates to 26 miles of pipes for every mile of interstate highway.

Recognizing that an investment in our drinking water is essential, the FKAA reached out to some iconic Keys businesses and created Imagine A Day Without Water – Keys Style. Check out how some of your favorite locals use and rely on FKAA’s high quality, delicious and consistent water. Go to to see the video and be sure not to miss the turtle footage, it’s priceless.

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