MONROE COUNTY, FL – Are you interested in obtaining grant funds to elevate, demolish/reconstruct, or sell your home that is below base flood elevation, at risk of flooding, or has flooded before with a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance claim?

If so, Monroe County is participating in a national grant program known as Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) to help with the costs of elevating, or demolishing and reconstructing your home. Buying out your home is also an eligible grant activity. Mobile homes and condominiums do not qualify for the buyout program. Mobile homes do not qualify for the elevation program. This program is available to all Monroe County homeowners.

Monroe County is accepting applications for the fiscal year 2023 FMA grant program. There is $220 million allocated nationwide for the program. The deadline to apply through the Monroe County application process will close Nov. 15, 2023.

This is a federal program administered by the State of Florida in partnership with Monroe County; therefore, it can be a timely process with slow turnaround times to move forward with projects.

If you have any questions, contact program administrator Mike Lalbachan at 305-453-8796 or visit the program website at www.monroecounty-fl.gov/fma.

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