Eli Morris Community Efforts Supports Local Non-Profits

Eli Morris started selling bottles of water (“Zombie Water”) during the Zombie Bike Ride when he was 7 years old.  He is now celebrating his 5th year!   This year Eli has chosen “Project Lighthouse”, Florida Keys Children’s Shelter, for his annual donation, which was $1000. this year!

Neighbors and Zombie Riders have shown amazing support every year.  Bike riding Zombies now look for Eli’s booth selling his “Zombie Water” and supporting Key West & Florida Keys organizations.

The first year was a big hit and Eli decided he wanted to donate to a local charity and chose “Aids Help”.  For his second year donation Eli chose “MARC House”, the third year “Kids Come First” and the 4th year,he chose the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys  – “Irma Recovery”.

Eli is young man who enjoys helping people.  His family and school, work together encouraging him and nurturing his awareness of giving back to his community to make a positive difference. Eli is a 6th grader at Sigsbee Charter School.  He is a swimmer on the Bone Island Club and also enjoys piano.

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