Doug Mader at Keys Audubon on January 8

The Florida Keys Audubon Society’s speaker series will continue on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Key West Garden Club, 1100 Atlantic Boulevard.

The speaker will be wildlife photographer and veterinarian Dr. Doug Mader of the Marathon Veterinary Hospital.

Mader’s talk will be “Wings Over the Serengeti,” and will contain bird and wildlife images from a recent trip the Serengeti National park and the Ngorogoro crater in Tanzania.

“I am not an ornithologist or a real ‘birder.’ I’m just a guy with a camera that like photographing birds,” said Mader.

He has worked in the Keys for over 25 years.

“Mader’s understanding of the natural world is just so well-rounded and passionate. I always look forward to his talks and photo shows,” said Mark Hedden, Executive Director of FKAS.

Admissions is free and open to anyone who is interested.

For more information email [email protected] or leave a voicemail at 305-771-5807.

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