Date added for CFK Academy prospective students
Learn more on February 5 or February 20

KEY WEST, FL, February 3, 2025— The College of the Florida Keys has added another date option for middle and high school students and their family members to learn about the CFK Academy. The two Prospective Student Events will be on Wednesday, February 5 and Thursday, February 20, both at 5:30 p.m. at the CFK Academy on the College’s Key West Campus. Key information will be presented about the A-rated, tuition-free public charter high school. Attendees will be able to meet the CFK Academy’s principal, teachers, staff, and students and tour the school.

The CFK Academy focuses on college and career readiness with curriculum centered on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and Career Technical Education (CTE). Teachers use a Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach, which provides students with hands-on engagement in the learning process beyond the traditional classroom. In the process, they further develop critical-thinking and communication skills. CFK Academy students are encouraged to earn college and high school credit simultaneously through the College’s Dual Enrollment program. College classes are conveniently located on the same campus as the high school. Motivated students can graduate with their high school diploma as well as an associate degree, certificate, and/or industry certification. There is no cost to attend the CFK Academy, including the college level classes, potentially saving families tens of thousands of dollars.

The CFK Academy earned an “A” grade from the Department of Education (FDOE) for the 2023-24 school year. FDOE’s school grading system pulls from various student success metrics, including student achievement, learning gains, graduation rates, acceleration success, and focus on students who need the most support.

Applications are open for grades nine through 12 for the 2025- 26 school year and can be found online at Space is limited. Applications are due by February 25 and a lottery will be conducted on February 27.

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