Correct the Record: Carlos Curbelo’s Misleading Debate Statements on This Week in South Florida

MIAMI, FL – During today’s debate on This Week in South Florida, Republican Congressman Carlos Curbelo made statements that deserve some attention:

Curbelo On Trump: I took a principled stand. 

Curbelo says he cannot support Donald Trump because of his principles, but his principles do not prevent him from picking up the phone and asking extreme Republicans and Trump donors for money:

Curbelo on women: “I respect women.” 

Curbelo says he respects women, but not enough to give them an opportunity to earn as much as men.

Curbelo on being a moderate: I have worked with both sides.

While Carlos Curbelo says he is moderate, he has sided with his party and special interest when it counts.

Curbelo on education: “I have passed bills…on education”

While Curbelo tries to change his history on education, he has shown that he votes against the interest of our children and students in Congress.

Curbelo on a woman’s right to choose: “I am pro-life.”

Again, Curbelo says he respects women, but not quite enough to allow them to make their own healthcare decisions.

Curbelo on Obamacare: We have to replace it with something better.

Curbelo says he wants to replace Obamacare, but he and his party have failed to present a replacement plan, even as they continue voting to strip millions of Americans of their healthcare.

  • Curbelo voted seven times to rollback or repeal Obamacare and replacing it with nothing.
  • Curbelo wants to take us back to a system that discriminates against people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Curbelo wants to take us back to a system that charges women more than men for healthcare simply because they could get pregnant.

Curbelo on Social Security and Medicare: “I have proposed reform… I have proposed means testing.”

Curbelo says he wants to preserve Social Security and Medicare, but private comments and public statements tell us the opposite is true.

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