Roger C. Kostmayer

The dueling political presentations on August 15 were surprising in that it was hometown Hillary who seemed to be talking off the cuff in Scranton, while Donald Trump was mechanically reading someone else’s words on a teleprompter in Ohio.

Hillary is neither a good campaigner nor a great orator. She has difficulty being open and spontaneous in public and, under attack, retreats into legalistic pettifoggery instead of “fessing up” and moving on.  But, on this occasion, Hillary spoke movingly about her humble small town childhood and her modest family.

Trump and his ghost writers, on the other hand, were incoherent, factually inaccurate (“I was always against the war in Iraq”), and they contradicted Trump’s basic demagogic positions (“bigotry and hatred will be screened out”).  It seemed clear that Trump neither wrote nor understood what he was reading aloud.  To make it worse, Trump accused Hillary, without supporting evidence, of lacking  “mental and physical stamina”.  We’re now certain to receive a Trump tweet responding to criticism saying that this anti-woman slur was taken out of context, was obviously a joke, asking why can’t anyone recognize sarcasm, and charging that the real culprits are journalists who are conspiring to rig the election.

Addressing foreign policy, Trump again expressed his bizarre desire to establish “common ground “ with Putin and Russia – surely mystifying his core followers who fail to understand why Trump wants to be Putin’s pawn.

Hillary did ask why Trump refuses to share his tax return, as has every national candidate for five decades, and pointed out the obvious, that Trump’s secret plan for handling ISIS is – there is no plan.

Roger C. Kostmayer

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