A breakdown of crime in Key West for 2024 shows that violent crime is down 25 percent compared to the previous year. Overall, the crime rate dropped 10.5 percent from 2023.

The Key West Police Department is particularly proud of an overall 53.3 percent clearance rate. The analysis shows that the clearance rate for the department – the rate at which crimes are solved – have increased substantially and come in well above the state average of around 25 percent.

The clearance rate for violent crimes in 2024 was a whopping 73 percent. During 2024, there were 412 violent crimes and 301 of them were cleared, either by arrest or exceptionally cleared.

Each year the Key West Police Department reports its crime statistics to the state and national databases called NIBRS/FIBRS. These new national and statewide reporting systems were launched in 2021 and allow communities across the nation to track and compare crime data.

“I want to commend the dedicated men and women of the Key West Police Department for an outstanding job solving crimes,” said Chief Sean Brandenburg. “Our relationship with the community has helped build a solid bond between the officers and residents. This community policing plays a huge role in our continuing success in solving crime on the island.”

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