Commissioner Sam Kaufman was elected to represent the residents of District 2 in 2015. He looks forward to serving another term. He plans to continue his advocacy in favor of adding affordable housing units in the City and Lower Keys to support our local families and workforce. He will continue to focus on the needs of our residents including families, senior citizens and our youth.

Kaufman stated that “I will continue to host regular community meetings so the City can make the best decisions based upon input from all of us.” Kaufman further stated “My priorities will continue to be advocating for more affordable housing, greater public security, improvements to our transportation and parking programs with a focus on our locals, families, senior citizens and especially our youth. I am very proud of my involvement and some of the accomplishments during my first term including:

Advocacy for affordable housing including the re-birth of the Homebuyer’s Assistance Program, Focus on BPAS units allocation to affordable housing, focus on lower income housing with land authority funds and building more units on city owned land;

Maintaining the quality of Garrison Bight Marina;

Advocacy for no tax increases for the past several years;

The development of Truman Waterfront;

Renovation of Cozumel Park;

Advocacy in Support of the PAL program and inclusion in the City Budget;

Advocacy in support of the Boys & Girls Club and new facility at Bayview Park;

Advocacy in support of the SPCA including the new Pet Mill Ordinance; and

Advocacy in support of the Senior Citizens activity center and access to transportation.”

Commissioner Kaufman’s Background:


Mr. Kaufman graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a B.A. degree in History. He also earned a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Miami School of Law. He is a graduate of Coral Springs High School, Coral Springs, Florida.


Mr. Kaufman is 47 years old and married to his wife, Julia Kaufman, for the past 13 years. Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman have two young children, Lily (age 11) and Michael (age 8). Both children attend the Poinciana Elementary School which is located in District 2 of the City.


Mr. Kaufman has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1998. He is the owner of his own private law firm, the Law Offices of Samuel J. Kaufman, P.A. since 2002.

Community Involvement

Mr. Kaufman has been active in the Key West community for the past two decades. Mr. Kaufman currently serves on the following boards:

Florida Keys Outreach Coalition (FKOC) as Chairman; Friends of Higgs Beach Board; Key West Art & Historical Society Board.

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