Commissioner Jimmy Weekley Honored with John Land Award for 35 Years of Municipal Leadership

During the August meeting of the City Commission, Commissioner Jimmy Weekley was honored by the Florida League of Cities for his extensive leadership. He was awarded the John Land Award commemorating his 35 yeas of “unselfish commitment to municipal leadership and governance,” read the proclamation.

The League named its Years of Service recognition in honor of John Land, the Mayor of Apopka between the years of 1949 and 2014, a leader whose dedication is unsurpassed at the national and state levels and who modeled the way for decades of municipal leaders.

“Several terms in office are a high compliment voters give to an official,” reads the award, “and with these years of experience comes a strengthening of wisdom, discernment, and strong leadership skills that bring tremendous value to the municipal governments of Florida.

Jimmy Weekley is commended for his dedication to the City of Key West and is hereby recognized as an outstanding public servant in Florida.”

Weekley first elected as the District I commissioner in 1985 and served until 1999. He was elected mayor in 1999 and served until 2005. Weekley then took a four-year hiatus from public life and was elected to the commission again in 2009. The August meeting was his final one, having terms out this year.

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