Chief Earns Lifesaving Award

Chief Sean Brandenburg and Capt. Randy Smith.

In a recent awards ceremony hosted by the Grand Key Resort, Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg received a surprise recognition from the Department.

“The Key West Police Department believes in the recognition of officers, their actions, and outstanding efforts in service to the community and their fellow officers,” said Capt. Randy Smith. “In keeping with our core values, the City of Key West and the Key West Police Department recognize Chief Sean Brandenburg for his outstanding efforts that occurred on May 21st.”

On that day, Chief Sean Brandenburg — while off duty — quickly recognized that a citizen in Kennedy Shopping Plaza was having difficulty breathing and was in significant distress. He immediately assessed the individual recognizing he was not breathing, turning blue, and had no pulse. Chief Brandenburg immediately started CPR, which he continues until Key West Fire/Rescue arrived on scene.

Chief Sean Brandenburg’s recognition of the severity of the medical emergency, immediate actions, and effective CPR resulted directly in saving the life of the individual.

“Chief Sean Brandenburg has rightly earned the Lifesaving Award,” said Capt. Smith.

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