RESCUE TAILS/ Charlie Brown’s Best Christmas

By Tara McFarland

Florida Keys SPCA Director of Operations (Marathon Campus)

When we saw her, our hearts instantly broke. Her frail body was littered with large tumors and her nails curled into her soft pads so that she was unable to walk. It was simply too painful. With just a few mangled teeth left and the smell of infection looming from her mouth, the tiny abandoned Chihuahua mix lay frightened on the exam room table. The finder claimed she was left in a crate on the side of a road under a bridge, a claim we will never be able to verify. Regardless of how she came to be in that condition, all we could do now was care for the little old dog.

The frail dog would require numerous medical interventions for her own safety and comfort. Doctors were concerned the masses were cancerous, most of her teeth would need to be removed and the newly discovered bladder stones would require surgical extraction. Despite her age, surgery had to be performed.

We named her Charlie Brown, and the little old dog underwent three surgeries to remove two enormous mammary masses, bladder stones, ovariohysterectomy and a dental. Each time she went under anesthesia we held our breath hoping she was strong enough to make it through. Charlie Brown had a strong will and each surgery made her stronger and healthier. She was not to be defeated and her confidence soared. Soon she was strutting her stuff, and bossing everyone around. She demanded attention, fresh chicken and plenty of love from her foster mom. Her little dog personality began to shine and soon, it was time to find Charlie Brown a family.

Visiting the Keys from Tampa, Patricia couldn’t help but fall in love with Charlie Brown. With two special seniors at home, she wanted nothing more than to bring Charlie Brown home, to be with her forever. At the time, Charlie Brown still needed more surgeries and couldn’t be adopted quite yet. When the time came, we gave her a call and Patricia hopped in the car and drove back down the Keys to make it official. Charlie Brown was adopted!

All of us at the FKSPCA are thankful that this little dog is going to have a wonderful holiday season. But it could not have happened without our donors. The extensive medical care that Charlie Brown needed was entirely donor-supported through our special “Oscar’s Fund,” which was created to help pets like Charlie Brown.

To help give more animals like Charlie Brown a second chance in life, please consider making a donation to Oscar’s Fund — visit our website at or call 305-294-4857 for more information. The Florida Keys SPCA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization that receives no funding from any national organization.

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