Chamber presents customer service seminar


Second Seminar added – THURSDAY DECEMBER 15, 2016

Bad news travels fast, because hell hath no fury like a customer scorned, especially one with an Internet connection.

And as both the holiday and tourist seasons approach, The Key West Chamber of Commerce wants to help local businesses prevent the dreaded one-star ratings on Trip Advisor by providing exceptional customer service.

The chamber will present a seminar entitled “Exceptional Customer Service” from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 15th at the Doubletree Grand Key Resort.

The seminar will feature internationally renowned business consultant and conflict resolution specialist Elisa Levy, who will offer real-world customer service scenarios, and strategies to deal with all types of clients and their complaints.

Levy will teach seminar participants how to impress every customer, communicate with people from other cultures, understand what customers want and need from them and turn an unhappy shopper into a repeat customer.

And while repeat customers account for 65 percent of business, Levy said, a dissatisfied customer tells 9 to 15 people about their experience.

Small businesses can’t afford that kind of negative attention, and the Key West Chamber of Commerce wants to help prevent it.

The “Exceptional Customer Service” seminar on December 15th is open to both chamber members and non-members. The cost is $72 for members and $96 for non-members.

Space is limited, so payment and reservations must be received by 12 noon on Friday, December 9th. No refunds will be issued after that.

For more information or to reserve a seat please call 305-294-2587 or email: [email protected].

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