Celebration of the Sea Foundation Announce Water Sports and Swim Aid Equipment Donations to Support Local Florida Keys Community Swim Programs, Schools, and Community Services
Key Largo, FL – The Celebration of the Sea Foundation announced they will donate hundreds of water sports, snorkel gear, swim aids, toys, shoes, and other related items to community organizations and local schools in the Florida Keys.
The donations will be distributed during a special event hosted by Monroe County Mayor Holly Raschein and City of Layton Mayor Bruce Halle, who also serves as Celebration of the Sea Foundation’s treasurer, at the Jacobs Aquatic Center in Key Largo, on Thursday, Feb. 29 at noon. Collaborating organizations who will receive the donations include Monroe County Parks and Beaches, Key Largo School, Ocean Studies School, Coral Shores High School, Founders Park, Ron Levy Aquatic Center, Boy Scouts of America’s Florida National High Adventure Sea Base, Marine Lab, Jr. Scientists in the Sea, Marine Mammal Rescue, Florida Keys Children’s Shelter, Wesley House, and Samuel’s House.
“We are so grateful to the Celebration of the Sea Foundation for providing all these amazing items for our community,” said Raschein. “It’s so wonderful to see their generous support for all of our incredible organizations that provide these critically important learn-to-swim programs and other social services for our children and families.”
Monroe County Parks and Beaches works closely with Keys Kids Swim, a water safety and swim lesson program providing free swimming lessons to Monroe County kindergarteners.
“Our learn-to-swim programs are extremely important for our schools and families,” said Dr. Jim Boilini, one of the program’s founders and a Parks and Beaches Advisory Councilmember.
Rita Case and Ron Cacciatore provided the funding for the donations. Celebration of the Sea Founder and CEO Patxi Pastor said, “Teaching our children water safety and the joy of swimming is so near and dear to our foundation’s heart, and we appreciate their wonderful support from the donors who made this possible for the foundation.
Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is helping coordinate and transport all the donations.
To learn more about the Celebration of the Sea Foundation, visit www.CelebrationoftheSea.org.
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