Catamaran reportedly found

The $350,000 catamaran sailboat reported stolen last week from Newfound Harbor in the Lower Keys has reportedly been found in or near Cuba. 

Multiple be-on-the-lookout alerts were sent out by sailing and boat groups via radio as well via social media, which led to reports that the vessel was spotted on March 31, 2018 after it reportedly tried to enter Marina Darsena Varadero located on the north coast of Cuba at Veradero, Matanzas. The alleged occupant or occupants of the 2009, 40-foot Admiral Catamaran sailboat named “Kaisosi” reportedly had no vessel papers or passports and were turned away.

The Coast Guard Investigative Service and Sheriff’s Office were still working Tuesday to verify those reports as well as determining for sure where the vessel is currently located, including any persons who may have been on board at the time it was reportedly spotted.

The catamaran was last in the Florida Keys by a Little Palm Island employee who saw it traveling west toward Key West on March 30, 2018 with its sails down. It’s owner had anchored it between Picnic Island and the southern point of Little Torch Key.

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