Casey  Vassar Convicted of Attempting to Lure Children

Casey  Vassar, 51, has been found guilty by a Key West jury on three counts of attempting to lure or entice children under the age of 12, in violation of Florida Statutes. These offenses, classified as first-degree misdemeanors, could carry a sentence of up to 364 days in jail for each count.

Vassar was sentenced to 30 days in jail for each charge, to run concurrently, resulting in a total of 30 days served. Additionally, his sentence includes 12 months of probation for each count, also to run concurrently, along with court costs and fines totaling $1,079, 100 hours of community service, and a strict no-contact order with the victims or their parents.

Assistant State Attorney and lead prosecutor, Paul Vargo, emphasized the case’s significance, stating, “This case underscores our ongoing commitment to the safety of our community’s children and the seriousness with which we treat such offenses, even when they are classified as misdemeanors.”

State Attorney Dennis Ward expressed gratitude towards those pivotal in achieving the conviction: “We are deeply thankful to Kelley McDonald for her decisive actions and to the Key West Police Department for their comprehensive investigation and prompt response. The courage and strength shown by the families and children who testified were commendable. This case highlights the crucial role of community vigilance and cooperation in safeguarding our children.”

Chief Assistant State Attorney Joseph Mansfield detailed the arrest: “This conviction arose from an incident on April 27, 2021, where Vassar attempted to lure three 11-year-old girls into his vehicle. Kelley McDonald’s immediate response to protect the children and her willingness to participate in the legal process was exceptional. The Key West Police Department’s swift action was crucial in Vassar’s apprehension.”

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office, in partnership with the Key West community, reiterates its dedication to the safety and well-being of all residents, with a particular focus on the protection of children. This conviction demonstrates the collective effort of the community and the judicial system to effectively address and penalize crimes against children.

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