Boas and Pythons and Screwworm, Oh My!

The Florida Keys Audubon Society will continue its speaker series on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 with Doug Mader, DVM giving a talk called “Boas and Pythons and Screw Worm, Oh My!”
The talk will begin at 6:30 p.m. and take place at the Key West Garden Club at 1100 Atlantic Boulevard.
Mader is a world renowned veterinarian who has worked on sea turtles, Key Deer, alligators, crocodiles, and many other unusual species. He will talk about the invasive exotic snake problem in the Everglades and how it may affect the Florida Keys. He will also speak about the recent New World Screwworm outbreak in the Key Deer population the Big Pine Key.
Admissions is free and open to anyone who is interested.
For more information email [email protected], visit, or call 305-771-5807.
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