AIDS Help: An All-Community THANK YOU At The Bottlecap Friday, November 10th, 5-8 p.m.

A Thank You party will be held at The Bottlecap, 1128 Simonton, this Friday, November 10th, with appetizers and a cash bar from 5 – 8 p.m. to honor the FANTASY FEST 2017 Royal Family, campaign teams and supporters…and the entire community is invited to the celebration.

“Without our Candidates’ post-Irma unanimous “yes! We WILL resume the campaign!” and this island chain’s willingness to continue giving, AIDS Help would not have been able to fulfill its Mission to clients or broad promise to the Keys,” remarks Scott Pridgen, Executive Director of AIDS Help.

Over $129,000 was amassed in what amounted to a  5-week campaign, led by Queen Destiny Montgomery, King ‘Saint Paul’ Murphy, Duchess Vicki Hodgson and Duke Bucky Montgomery.

“It’s a LOT of work without a setback like Irma. Candidates become Agency ambassadors who sacrifice family time and work shift hours, incur financial obligations, call in favors, negotiate venues, volunteers and swag bags and steel themselves to be physically and emotionally present,” Pridgen notes. “No thank you is large enough, but bringing everyone together in one evening, without raffles or silent auctions or a cover charge, lets everyone reminisce and raise a glass to our Candidates’ achievement.”

The money raised in 2017 has been earmarked to:

Provide rental and utility assistance to those unexpectedly unemployed or underemployed.

Facilitate relocation, as warranted — for example, if housing has become uninhabitable or a client chooses to leave the Keys.

Access or replenish basic needs, such as food or toiletries.

Resource identification to every member of the community. If at an impasse with confusing paperwork, bureaucratic slowdown or questions about which social service Agency will yield the best result, AIDS Help is offering a helping hand to navigate. ANYONE with an Irma-related request…seeking reparation, restoration, rehabilitation…is urged to come to the 1434 Kennedy Drive office.

“AIDS Help has always been part of this community, but never more so than now. When we say the Renaissance continues – a spin on our thematic this year of ‘A Royal Renaissance’ – but the gratitude is everlasting, we mean it,” Pridgen says. “Our Agency feels a greater sense of universal commitment to the Keys than ever and we hope to embody that at The Bottlecap Friday evening.”

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