Charlottesville, Va., Aging Famously: Follow Those You Admire to Living Long and Well was recently published by Jefferson Park Press, Charlottesville.

Author Elizabeth Meade Howard felt abruptly promoted to family elder after the death of her father—New York/L.A. adman, writer, patient teacher and life-long role model. When facing her own later years, Howard sought guidance from the experts—resourceful and resilient older men and women whom she admired for their imagination, adaptability and successful aging. Some were famous.

They include journalists Walter Cronkite and Helen Thomas; actors Hal Holbrook, Carol Channing, Nanette Fabray and Dennis Weaver; photographers Gordon Parks and Helen Levitt; singer Bobby Short; New York   Mayor Ed Koch; poets, Richard Wilbur and Stanley Kunitz; reincarnation researcher Dr. Ian Stevenson, and theologian Bishop John Shelby Spong. Civil rights leader Rosa Parks adds brief thoughts as well.      

In Aging Famously, Howard shares intimate interviews with her inspiring role models. She offers readers  and listeners helpful tactics and lasting legacies of creative people in their 70s, 80s and beyond who continued to take risks and contribute their talents. They celebrated aging as a time of depth, understanding, commitment and hope.

Here are links to Howard’s NPR interview    and Agewyz podcast

An award winning reporter, and former lecturer at the University of Virginia, Elizabeth Meade Howard has written widely on health, women and aging. She is an editor of Streetlight Magazine online and a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors. Howard also has produced documentary films; several 

focus on remarkable women in their last decades. Her website is

“Elizabeth Howard’s thesis of finding personal mentors for aging well is an important idea.”

–Dr. Robert Butler, author of Longevity Rules: How to Age Well into the Future

“Elizabeth Meade Howard’s Aging Famously is a wonderful read. Her stories about growing older with grace and purpose are utterly riveting.” —Douglas Brinkley, author of Cronkite

“Elizabeth Howard’s book is fascinating and necessary—a major step in giving visibility and sex appeal to a segment of the population that refuses to remain on the sidelines.” —Molly Haskell, author of Steven Spielberg: A Life in Film and Love and Other Infectious Diseases

“People enjoy talking with Elizabeth Howard as readers of this book will see.”

—Richard Wilbur, Former U.S. Poet Laureate

For interview requests, contact author Elizabeth Howard at [email protected] or phone 434.295.9793. 

For information about Jefferson Park Press, contact publisher Hilary Holladay at [email protected]

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