After School Defense Class



According to statistics, one in six women experience sexual assault, and the number of sexual assaults has also grown on college campuses. This ties into the fact that women are four times more likely to be assaulted at the ages of 16-19 than the rest of population. There are more forms of assault that are also growing. With these statistics, young people should know how to protect themselves.


Madame Palay, a French teacher at Key West High School, tells about the self-defense class she hosted, “I think that when you take this kind of class, you become more aware of your inner strength and become a stronger person.”

Key West High School hosted an after school class for self-defense this last fall for the fourth year. There is also one every spring.


According to Palay, “A couple years ago, I realized that there was a need at Key West High School to talk about prevention… in order to let the kids know what sexual assault was and what abuse was.” She continues by noting that the class is a good way for youths to be prepared.


This year the class was taught by Officer Williams and Sargent Fisher of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. The students learned how to be smart in a situation. They learned some moves and to yell “fire,” instead of “help,” if being assaulted, as well as to run away from the assaulter at the first chance.


Palay also has a few more ideas about what Key West High School could do to help prevent assault, such as a class designed specifically for women about “situational awareness.” She adds, “We could do something on relationships… learning how to communicate with friends, and how to diffuse the situation instead of escalating it.” In addition, she notes that one of her students, Edian, is starting a jiu-jitsu club.


Madame Palay thinks these classes are important and teach more than just self-defense, as they help youths be more aware of “what their surroundings are…to become more self-confident, learn a couple of moves, and have fun.”


Officer Williams and Sargent Fisher demonstrate some self-defense moves in front of the students during a class at Key West High School.

Photo by Lola Fettis.

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