Ace gets adopted

Over the course of a year, the Florida Keys SPCA serves over 3,000 animals. Each animal that passes through our doors is unique. As staff members, we strive to treat each animal as an individual, and shower our love and attention across our shelter pets equally. As you might expect, it is sometimes difficult not to fall in love with one individual animal.

I know, I’m not supposed to have favorites, but Ace was easily my favorite cat. He came to us as a young stray on Big Pine Key. He was a gorgeous white and black cat with huge green eyes and a soft meow. His tail was oddly short and fluffy, and his coat was coarse in texture. Despite his adorable good looks, it was Ace’s personality that really stood out to me.

Ace was so mellow. He was calm, quiet and unassuming. He happily lounged in the Catio and stayed out of the other cat’s way. He never picked a fight, he wasn’t needy, and in contrast he wasn’t shy or scared either. He would saunter slowly up, let out a soft meow, and graciously accept gentle pets. Although I wanted nothing more than for him to be adopted, I looked forward to our gentle good mornings everyday.

When visitors came to the Catio interested in adopting a new cat, I always made sure I pointed Ace out to guests. I would rave about how sweet and gentle he was, and about how well he got along with every cat we’ve ever had. Yet somehow, time after time, day after day, adopters passed on Ace. This went on for two long years.

When Joe and Sherry came to our Marathon Campus it was initially to donate items from their cat who had passed. Their hearts weren’t ready for a new companion, but they couldn’t help but stop and say hello to our adoptable cats in the Catio. Over time they would come in occasionally to visit the cats and started to discuss the idea of bringing a new cat into their home and heart.

I could barely contain my excitement when they expressed an interest in Ace. I tried hard to play it cool, and calm as we chatted about how wonderful of a cat he was. When they decided that yes, they wanted to adopt Ace I could have screamed! Yes! Finally, two long years later, someone wonderful came along who recognized how truly amazing Ace was, they loved him and he was smitten as well. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to my buddy, my friend, my favorite cat but I couldn’t be happier for Ace and his new family.

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