By Fred C. Klein
This past Tuesday night we had 2 Art Aficionado friends over for what I have dubbed as a Social Art Project.
It took place in my Artist wife Joanne’s Art studio and there was champagne, Dylan music and delicious Greek food, but mostly it was about creating Art.
Our Art Project is called Exquisite Corpse (words in the first line of a similar written exercise) and Jo prepared the essentials and led us through it.
The concept is that 4 long piece of paper are folded into 4 sections of the body (head, torso, legs and feet) and each person draws, paints or pastes on a section, without knowing what is on the other sections of the 4 pieces of paper. Then the papers are rotated between us to work on the next section,
When all is said and done there were 4 resultant collaborative works of Art which are pictured.
It was great fun and, in the eyes of this beholder, great Art too
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