Jag Gallery announces the opening of LINCOLN PERRY :  A RETROSPECTIVE  highlighting the decades long career of this acclaimed, contemporary artist, no stranger to the Key West art community.  First acquainted after hitch-hiking here from California to crew with a boat sailing to New York , Perry returned to Key West with his novelist wife, Anne Beattie in 1993 discovering that the once rough and tumble Navy town he’d remembered had been retransformed to a tourists’ paradise.  Perry was, too, transformed by the light, the endless paintable motifs, and the warmth of both the climate and the people, all inspiration for and subjects of his painting for many years.

As a painter and sculptor, Perry has been featured in group and solo exhibitions at prestigious galleries and museums  from Maine to Manhattan to Key West.  As a muralist, his installations include important and commanding commissions found at The Met Life Building in St. Louis, One Penn Plaza and 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC, and The Federal Courthouse in Tallahassee among others.  As an academic, Lincoln has held faculty positions at The University of Virginia, University of New Hampshire, Queens College and other institutions.

LINCOLN PERRY : A RETROSPECTIVE opens on Friday, February 10th with a reception to meet the artist, which is free and open to the public from 4-6 on Saturday the 11th.  The exhibit continues through February 27th.

Considered one of Key West’s finest destinations for contemporary art, Jag Gallery is located at the Simonton Street entrance to Duval Square, 1075 Duval Street with ample, free parking.  Gallery hours are Sunday-Thursday noon to 5, Friday and Saturday noon-8 and always by appointment.   For additional information call 305.407.6202 or email [email protected] and follow us on Facebook and  Instagram.

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