Short Answers / Rule For The Road

By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman

Dear Short Answers:
What are the responsibilities of houseguests on a holiday weekend? Or any weekend?
Tom T

Dear TT:
House guests should be entertaining, allow hosts a few hours of private time each day, and leave their room as they found it.  Yes, you should change the sheets — or at least offer.


Dear Short Answers:
I am 23-year old male and was involved in a car accident 2 years ago that left me with limited motion in my right ankle and right knee. I walk with a limp and I am unable to run, squat, stand for long periods of time and go down stairs at a good pace. I always did well with girls/relationships but ever since my accident, girls never want to go further than friends. They all say it’s because they are not ready for a relationship but I think they are saying “I am not ready to be with a handicapped guy.” It’s really starting to get to me and I don’t know what to do! I don’t harp on my limitations and I live life to the fullest.

Dear Lonely:
You are lucky not to be wasting time with women who are unworthy of you.  You will find the right person – and she will be worth the wait.


Dear Short Answers:
My son’s wife looks like a dog’s breakfast. Is there anything I can say that won’t land me in the doghouse?

No dear. Keep it zipped.


Dear Short Answers:

We live in a desirable area code and have a very comfortable life, yet our pre-teen feels deprived. Seems all of his friends have more than he does and they were shocked that we made him pay for his own iPod (after he lost the first two). He is fine in public, but when we get home he wonders why he can’t have what everybody else is having (e.g., citrus grove, tennis court, putting green) and tries to make us feel badly about this. What do we do or say to the privileged child who feels underprivileged?

Puzzled Parents

Dear Puzzled:
You are up against one of the great challenges of parenthood.  It’s about values.  You have provided a lifestyle for yourselves and your child.  The only acceptable response from him, as long as he lives under your roof is appreciation. (with some patience in reserve  for the occasional and inevitable breaches of taste and manners).  But in general, he needs to know that if he aspires to greater material wealth, he should plan his life choices with that in mind. In other words, you cannot and will not provide these things for him. No apologies. Stand your ground.  Although it is tiresome and hurtful when kids are bratty when we expect gratitude, hold the line on materialism, wherever YOU choose to draw it. It is one of most significant and civilizing battles in the war for raising kids you respect.


Dear Short Answers:
Is it okay to date my friend’s sibling?
Kinda Related

Dear Kinda:
Of course it is.  It’s highly recommended.

Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.

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