A good friday morning!

I was up at 5 to research today’s blog. To be saved to write after my physiotherapy appointment at 9.

My second appointment at Select Physiotherapy. A satisfactory hour. My therapist was Steven again. Very knowledgeable. Adept. We chatted and got to know each other better. He has a Doctorate in Physiotherapy.

He worked me well and hard. This physio thing is going to be good for me.

Met Jan again. Met her monday also. She overheard me mentioning to Steven that I wrote a blog. She commented across the room how she read it on occasion.

A new love of my life!

Got her name this morning. We are going to be friends.

After physio, I drove to Stock Island to see George. George owns Zip Auto. Has taken care of my car for years. He needed to put back a tire I had left with him when it became flat. Checked the oil and water and everything else. Added air as needed to my tires.

George has been responsible care of my cars for more than 20 years. The best! Fair, also. I highly recommend him.

Made a quick stop on the way home at Date & Thyme for my Monkey Smoothie hit. Always enjoyable as is the entire staff at Date & Thyme. They are like a second family.

I try to get a smoothie every day. Good for my health sayeth my primary care physician Dr. Norris. Taste good too!

One type of abortion still alive.

The Supreme Court came down with a surprise decision yesterday. Recall, the Court eliminated the right to abortion in 2022 in the Dobbs case. That left the pill mifepristone out there. The drug is used in 60 percent of U.S. abortions.

Two antiabortion doctors who refused because of their antiabortion belief to prescribe mifepristone brought a lawsuit to bar other doctors from prescribing the pill. The Supreme Court basically held that non-abortionist doctors do not have the standing to sue under the facts of the case.

The decision was unanimous. Does not mean another case will not be forthcoming by persons who have standing. The present case is not the end.

Yesterday in 1940 was a big day for Adolph Hitler. He and his thugs celebrated two events. One was German troops entered Paris. The other and more vile was it was the first day Nazis began transporting prisoners to Auschwitz concentration camp in occupied Poland.

Thurgood Marshall became the first African American to be nominated to the Supreme Court. This day in 1967. Too bad Clarence Thomas lacks Marshall’s character and ethics.

The Supreme Court established Miranda rights in 1966. Included in those rights were the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

South Florida got a break from the rain yesterday. Key West included. However, it poured all night.

Rainstorms, lightening and 35 mph wind gusts expected over the weekend. Key West not in danger. The storms will strike Miami and north.

Peter Kalvel is a construction worker who was on a project tuesday at La Te Da. He was injured when a wall collapsed on him. His injuries serious. Open skull fractures and bleeding from his ears.

Adverse weather made helicopter and ambulance service unavailable. Helicopters could not fly. The rain also delayed the critical care ambulance from arriving.

Kalvel was stabilized at the Lower Keys Medical Center till transportation became available.

He is now in a Kendall hospital. Information as to his present condition is unavailable.

My yesterday included a haircut at Blown Away with Lori. She has been cutting my hair for 25 years.

I was surprised when I arrived for my appointment. There are 8 chairs. All empty. I laughingly asked Lori if she was going out of business. She sighed, “All my customers have gone home up north.”

Followed my time with Lori with a visit to Date & Thyme for a Monkey Smoothie fix. Got two. Why not!

Enjoy your day!

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